Lyrics to the Song Still Alive from the album Immaterial World 2016
Still alive
I Woke up this morning in a hospital bed
Woke up from narcosis with a shaved head and swollen legs
Someone in a white coat appeared with a jar
And handed me over my preserved heart
I'm still alive I'm still alive
I got a few questions 'bout the meaning of live
Now I take my heart in a glass and I rise
I step out the building and out in the street
I can hardly stand on my own two feet
But I'm still alive - Yeah I'm still alive
I knock on my chestbone kling klong tinny tone
knock on my chestbone maybe it's the sound of madness
I knock on my chestbone kling klong tinny tone
knock on my chestbone maybe it's the sound of sadness
I cross a roundabout with my heart in a jar
I climb the little middle hill with the 3rd class art
Circled by hords of big black shiny cars
Is this the end or is it just another new start …
… with someone elses heart
© Bild: Videoclip Still Alive by Anna Luif and Nadja Zela